PARAGAIA partners with Marketplacer!
Today we are excited to announce our new partnership with Marketplacer! Marketplacer is one of the leading SaaS companies providing successful and scalable online marketplaces
Today we are excited to announce our new partnership with Marketplacer! Marketplacer is one of the leading SaaS companies providing successful and scalable online marketplaces
The landscape of marketplace business models has evolved significantly, with advancements in technology, shifting consumer behaviors, and changing market dynamics.
In the dynamic world of online commerce, understanding the role and intricacies of payment service providers (PSPs), comprehending the typical payment models in the marketplace, and appreciating the distinct payment workflows are critical for both marketplace operators and sellers.
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, operating a Digital Marketplace has emerged as a powerful business model, offering numerous advantages over traditional e-commerce platforms. A Digital
On March 8-9, Paragaia together with Mirakl will attend D-Congress in Gothenburg. We look forward to meeting both new and former acquaintances, and we are
One of the major differences between being a traditional E-com (where products are purchased or manufactured by the E-com owner) and a marketplace is that
Is your Marketplace ready for the new price reporting on campaigns?
PRESSMEDDELANDE – 5 SEPTEMBER 2021 12:22 Under sina första 18 månader har det nischade konsultbolaget PARAGAIA lyckats etablera sig som en expert inom området kring digitala
Pressrelease 18 augusti 2021 14:54 CEST Konsulterna och Mirakl-experterna på det snabbväxande bolaget Paragaia har haft en hektisk start på året. För Nordens största shoppingclub,
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